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Most patients are diagnosed with an asymptomatic form, so some experts regard the anomaly as a variant of labetalol pills, and not a defect. At the compensated stage of development, stool disturbances are not observed. Patients may suffer from vomiting, bloating and colicky pain. Subcompensation manifests itself in the form of constipation, which persists for several days. Painful attacks become more intense. With decompensation, disturbances in the motor function of the intestinal tract increase. Patients experience the following symptoms.

The first complaint of a child with dolichosigma is that it is difficult for them to go to the toilet. The problem can also arise in children under one year of age during the introduction of the first complementary foods. The baby cannot explain his symptoms, so it is difficult to get an accurate clinical picture. Parents should pay attention to how often their child has problems with bowel movements. Severe forms of the disease can provoke retardation of the child’s growth, as well as physical and mental development. If constipation first bothers you from time to time, and then persists for a long period of time, this is a serious reason to contact a specialist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

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Dolichosigma may be complicated by intestinal obstruction, volvulus, intussusception, or nodule formation. With the development of strangulation intestinal obstruction, the following symptoms occur. colicky abdominal pain, bloating, shock, lack of peristalsis.

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The main diagnostic method of trandate pills is radiography with contrast. The specialist conducts a differential analysis with diseases such as helminthiases, ulcerative colitis, neoplasms, and Crohn's disease. To exclude other pathologies, sigmoidoscopy, ultrasound, biopsy, and tomography may be required.

  • The basis of treatment is conservative treatment and diet. If an asymptomatic form is accidentally detected, preventive measures are prescribed to buy trandate online.
  • If the disease causes clinical symptoms, drug treatment and physical therapy will be required. The selection of a therapeutic regimen is carried out based on the stage of the pathological process. In critical situations, surgical intervention is inevitable.
  • In addition to laxatives, patients may be prescribed antispasmodics, analgesics, defoamers, and antidepressants. Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as acupuncture, electrical stimulation and laser therapy, will help improve peristalsis.
  • Drug therapy is aimed at timely bowel movements, as well as the elimination of flatulence and pain. Surgical intervention is indicated in the following cases.

Dolichosigma affects the sigmoid colon. Patients are advised to eat fractional meals in small portions. It should be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You should limit simple carbohydrates in your diet, these include sugar, rice, potatoes, and confectionery. It is better to replace them with complex carbohydrates, such as cereals, fruits and vegetables. Do gymnastics, do exercises in the morning. Take more walks in the fresh air. Do not suppress the urge to defecate. If possible, avoid medications that can cause constipation. Get rid of trandate, in particular smoking and addiction to alcohol.